
Hi again,

1. Change description product: Our theme use Elementor buider for description product. You need to enable Product buider for Product to edit content: https://prnt.sc/vftb2h

Then go to edit product, click Edit with Elementor to edit content for product.
To show like our demo, please Copy all section Elementor and paste to the new product.

2. Change Extra info for all product: https://prnt.sc/vftcqz
With a single product: https://prnt.sc/vftddu

Change Social share: https://prnt.sc/vfte4n

3. Link update lasted version plugin Elementor Pro: http://source.wpopal.com/plugins/new/elementor-pro-3.x.zip

To updae version, please download via this link and re-install plugin.

4. Please use Variable product and add atribute for product, add Option for Variable product.
Try to follow guide at https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/variable-product/