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HomePage Forums Themes Support Shopic – Multipurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme Content area was not found in your page

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  • #2459

    Hi again,

    You need to delete all cache on your site, then recheck.

    To disable Quickview, please deactivate plugin YITH WooCommerce Quick View

    Wishlist: Disable plugin YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

    Compare: Disable plugin YITH WooCommerce Compare

    Support Expired

    Thank you!
    One more question and i am done it is about IN OUT stock button on product how can i delete it please do you know?

    Support Expired

    Also blog page have some error i can not edit it, erro on blog page is: THE PREVIEW CAN NOT BE LOADED ERROR 500.
    AND WHEN YOU TRY TO LOAD IT THIS ERROR: There has been a critical error on your website.


    Hi again,

    I have just remove In Out Stock on single product for your site. Please recheck.

    #Blog page: If you use Elementor for Blog, please don’t select Blog page on Reading Settings:

    Please check page blog, I have just add post blog for you.

    Support Expired


    Support Expired


    One question for some reason my main HOME page get messed and it was yesterday all normal can you please help me to back it to normal HOME11 page as was before?

    Support Expired

    This happens when i get notification that i can download updated version again?

    Support Expired

    I managed sorry for taking your time!

    Support Expired

    I have one more question. Is it possible to change on product page small camera icon? I want to make bigger button with text like watch here or something like that is it possible to get changed? If so how can i do that?

    Support Expired

    Also how can i iuse VERTICAL product menu preset it seams i can not find any existing vertical menu preset, is it possible to change and also i can not put small share buttons on product page as you have in preview, can you tell me how to put them?
    Here is a link of vertical page with share buttons:


    Hi again,

    #1. Make bigger button with text:

    Please copy code into file functions.php ( child-theme)

    function shopic_single_product_video_360() {
            global $product;
            echo '<div class="product-video-360">';
            $images = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_product_360_image_gallery', true);
            $video = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), '_video_select', true);
            if ($images) {
                $array = explode(',', $images);
                $images_url = [];
                foreach ($array as $id) {
                    $url          = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full');
                    $images_url[] = $url[0];
                echo '<a class="product-video-360__btn btn-360" href="#view-360"><i class="shopic-icon-360"></i></a>';
                <div id="view-360" class="view-360 zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide">
                    <div id="rotateimages" class="opal-loading" data-images="<?php echo implode(',', $images_url); ?>"></div>
                    <div class="view-360-group">
                        <span class='view-360-button view-360-prev'><i class="shopic-icon-chevron-left"></i></span>
                        <i class="shopic-icon-360 view-360-svg"></i>
                        <span class='view-360-button view-360-next'><i class="shopic-icon-chevron-right"></i></span>
            if ($video && wc_is_valid_url($video)) {
                echo '<a class="product-video-360__btn btn-video" href="' . $video . '"><i class="shopic-icon-video"></i></a>';
            echo '</div>';

    Edit code:

    echo '<a class="product-video-360__btn btn-video" href="' . $video . '"><i class="shopic-icon-video"></i></a>';

    echo '<a class="product-video-360__btn btn-video" href="' . $video . '"><i class="shopic-icon-video"></i>Watch here</a>';

    Add css style into file style.css ( child-theme)

    .single-product div.product .woocommerce-product-gallery .product-video-360 .product-video-360__btn {
    width: 60px;
    height: 60px;

    #2. Vertical Product: Please go to Customize -> Woocommerce -> Single Product -> Style -> Vertical:

    Support Expired

    Thank you, only i get this problem:

    Business Slideshow Intro

    My button is still round and WATCH HERE is in 2 lines. Can i have Camera icon than text watch here with just rectangle white button under if possible?

    Support Expired

    And small buttons for social media, are they possible to put in style like in your preview page or that i install some new social media plugin?



    #1. Please send Admin web account for me, I will check and help you.

    #2. Please go to Customize -> Social -> Checkbox Social:

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