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HomePage Forums Themes Support Freshio – Organic & Food Store WordPress Theme Header search bar shows hidden products

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  • #3556


    Please try to follow documment plugin:

    Support Expired

    It was working fine until you fixed the search bar so I can only presume it’s something you’ve done which now stops it from showing, no matter what settings I put



    Delivery bar notice on the bottom of the page:

    This bar is immediately hidden when you scroll down. I think this problem is not caused by code customization, but by customizing your plugin. Please contact with the plugin author for assistance with this matter

    Support Expired

    It does not even show up for me, maybe clear your browser cache?

    I have asked the plug-in developers for guidance and they asked for a detailed log of the edits you’ve made.

    I’m also interested to see what was changed as I found three payment methods enabled when they should be disabled with you being the only other user with privileges to change them.

    You were working on a live site.



    All my customizations do not affect this plugin’s display of this message. So you should check all plugin settings. I still see this message when check your page, please re-check.

    Support Expired

    This issue has returned after an update.


    What issue?

    Please make us clear your issue/

    Support Expired

    Products that have visibilty set to ‘hidden’ still show up on the dropbox search bar in the header.

    I would still like products that are set to both ‘catalog & search’ & ‘search’ to still show.

    Is this possible? If so, is there a way I can change it myself instead of contacting you guys everytime I update the theme, thank you.


    Please send Account full control for me, I need to check your site

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    This reply has been marked as private.


    I have just fixed this issue.
    I had to edit the code in your main theme, so it will be lost when you update the theme. So please keep inc/woocommerce/class-woocommerce.php file when you update new theme.

    Support Expired

    Sadly the hidden products still show in the dropdown search results.

    I have cleared the cache both on the website and browser.

    Example: If you search ‘mint’ (without pressing enter), nothing should show in the dropdown search results.


    Oh sorry, I fixed again.

    Please save this code when you update theme:

    public function ajax_search_products() {
                global $woocommerce;
                $search_keyword = $_REQUEST['query'];
                $ordering_args = $woocommerce->query->get_catalog_ordering_args('date', 'desc');
                $suggestions   = array();
                $args = array(
                    's'                   => apply_filters('freshio_ajax_search_products_search_query', $search_keyword),
                    'post_type'           => 'product',
                    'post_status'         => 'publish',
                    'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
                    'orderby'             => $ordering_args['orderby'],
                    'order'               => $ordering_args['order'],
                    'posts_per_page'      => apply_filters('freshio_ajax_search_products_posts_per_page', 8),
    			$args['meta_query'] = array(
    					'key'       => '_stock_status',
    					'value'     => 'instock',
    					'compare'   => '=',
    			$args['tax_query']  =  array(
    					'taxonomy'  => 'product_visibility',
    					'terms'     => array('exclude-from-catalog'),
    					'field'     => 'name',
    					'operator'  => 'NOT IN',
                $products = get_posts($args);
                if (!empty($products)) {
                    foreach ($products as $post) {
                        $product       = wc_get_product($post);
                        $product_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($product->get_id()));
                        $suggestions[] = apply_filters('freshio_suggestion', array(
                            'id'    => $product->get_id(),
                            'value' => strip_tags($product->get_title()),
                            'url'   => $product->get_permalink(),
                            'img'   => esc_url($product_image[0]),
                            'price' => $product->get_price_html(),
                        ), $product);
                } else {
                    $suggestions[] = array(
                        'id'    => -1,
                        'value' => __('No results', 'freshio'),
                        'url'   => '',
                echo json_encode($suggestions);

    file inc/woocommerce/class-woocommerce.php

    Support Expired

    GREAT! Thank you so much. Will do 🙂


    Ok, let me know if you need to help.

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