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HomePage Forums Themes Support Freshio – Organic & Food Store WordPress Theme Problem on mobile view in Shop page

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  • #11299
    Support Expired


    I have got a problem with product pages on mobile view: I would like to display theme in two column, but the second product on the row is bigger than the previous one, even if the photos have the same size.

    Here is the screenshot:

    Can you help me?

    Support Expired

    Plus, can I ask you something else?

    I would like to hide the Downloads in the user menu, but even if I remove the Woocommerce’s endpoint, it remains in the dropdown menu.


    Hi you,

    I fixed all issues, please recheck and let me know if you need to help.

    Support Expired

    Thank you.

    Can I ask you something more?
    I am using Freshio on two different website and I need to show the register form just in this one:

    I would like to show the Register link in the dropdown form over the user icon in header, is it possibile?

    (My WP credentials are the same I wrote you before).

    Thank you!


    Please check your custom css:

    display: none;

    I removed this code.

    Support Expired


    I put the line on the other website and I have forgotten I did…!
    Thank you for everything.


    Ok, keep contact with us when you need to help.

    if you like our theme, please vote 5 stars for our theme on

    Thank very much!

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