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Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #19531
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    i have translate theme and i want to translate the tours, activities and accommodation.
    I see very strange things. We this happened?
    I have the below issues that i need your help
    1. In home page suddenly the search form below slider is not functional, the dropdown menu its not working even in the english version of the site that it is the manin version.
    If i deactivate WPML the dropdown menu works ok.
    2. I see strange layout in single tour, activities page
    Suddenly when i edit a tour i see many strange things.
    pls see video to understand.
    Pls Help fix this:
    3a. i manage to translate one tour for testing
    and even if i have add price, below the “Ημερολόγιο & Τιμές” which means “Calendar & Prices” is empty. The price table is not showing up.

    3b. In the same page in Greek version, below the slider with images, the fields with price, duration, Persons and category, the last one the Category is not showing the category below.
    See image to understand:
    4. Look image to understand. I see more tags wittout a reason
    5a. Where i translate the booking form? All from WPML? –>
    5b. How i can make the calendar in Greek versions to show the months in Greek?
    6. I have translate a booking object from each category, but i dont see them to show in home page, or in each page with the appropriate category. Pls see video to understand:
    How i can , when i translate a booking object, to import the prices also? Because when i tranlate a object in greek, the prices are empty?

    Pls Help resolve them


    Hi you,

    #1. You need to translate the Booking Location:

    #2. I can’t view your video, please recheck:

    #3. You need to translate all taxonomy into English language, currently there is no translation of all taxonomy you have, so it doesn’t show with English language in all categories

    #4. This problem may be related to the Custom Taxonomy Order plugin that you installed. However, it does not affect the website too much, so temporarily ignore this problem

    #5. You need to translate these texts in your theme and plugin. Go to

    Search your text and add translate.

    #6. Some of your booking objects are created incorrectly so it won’t show up in the 2nd language, please remove the translation in the 2nd language and re-create it. Pay attention not to use Duplicator Post/Page to create.

    #7. Click edit Booking object -> Duplicate post for new language:

    The price part will not be cloned into the 2nd language, so you will have to re-add it manually.

    Please read the WPML documentation carefully to translate and install the configs.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Billy Nguyen.
    Support Expired
    Support Expired

    Also pls what did you mean…?

    “#6. Some of your booking objects are created incorrectly so it won’t show up in the 2nd language, please remove the translation in the 2nd language and re-create it. Pay attention not to use Duplicator Post/Page to create.”
    I must delete the objects in greek version and translate it again with WPML??


    #2. You need to translate all taxonomy into English language, currently there is no translation of all taxonomy you have, so it doesn’t show with English language in all categories

    #6. Yes, you need to delete the objects in greek version and translate it again with WPML

    Support Expired

    Billy, the problem is that the site was all in English.
    No in Greek
    How is this possible to happend
    Can you explain pls?
    the site main language was ENGLISH not Greek, and now i must translate to english??



    Please check your site or send Cpanel account for me, I will check for you:

    Support Expired

    i revert site with a backup i have before any translation, before i install WPML
    and when i try to activate WPML from start i get this error you mention.
    I get this error in LOgs.

    AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: element_id and type do not match for element_id:123 the database contains tax_taxonomies_list

    which is something with the ba booking. I delete some entries and now the site is open.
    I restore in a previus version, of course i have make a backup defore restore, because after WPML installation all was a mess, so i think to do it from scratch.

    i talk now with WPML, is this possible all these problems i had to be for this reason?

    I need some time to translate again of course to check
    What did you think?

    Support Expired

    The problem persists,
    istill delete wrong entries
    i will let you know in a few minutes

    Support Expired

    i start translation from the start again in order to find a solution,
    i laso talk with Wpml live chat support nd we resolve many issues.
    It looks ok now,
    but Still i cannot see the pricres in a tour i translated to greek and i dont see the tour in “Εκδρομές ” page in Greek version or in Home page.

    Pls Login and help fix it
    I done anything on my side with Wpml.

    Support Expired

    The tour i translated to test is
    Pls make it show in Greek Home page, in Page “Εκδρομές” and also to show the prices.
    Many Thanks

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    I fix it Billy,
    just pls lets resolve the issue with prices!
    the table is missing
    Calendar & Prices

    Support Expired

    pls i need your help
    i fix one and other mess up, can you pls help
    because i must finish site, i dont do anything wrong
    Can you pls give me a few of your time to resolve the issues?
    I do it from beggining in order to solve issues, many hours of work but i see there is a problem.
    1. I cannot edit “BA Book Everything Settings” in Greek, not save the changes, why?
    2. i dont see the prices
    3. I greek translations i cannot use the form, it shows only January and i cannot book
    4. i had translate booking locations and now i see them all to English

    i dont know whao to tell

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