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HomePage Forums Themes Support Gopet – Pet Food WooCommerce WordPress Theme Product page remove sku and stock above the title

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  • #31795
    Support Expired


    I try to take out the SKU code, the stock availability and the space from above the title in the product page.

    how to take out sku stock and space

    for the sku code, i add a plugin to take it out, it works but i still get some space left… and for the stock availability, i desactivate it from woocommerce, but it still appears above the title in the product page.

    What is the way to clean the sku code, the stock availability and the space from above the title in the product page?

    could i add a php function or just some custom css? or do you advise?

    thanks in advance for your help and support.


    Please add this custom CSS to the file style.css ( child-theme):

    .single-product div.product .inventory_status, .single-product div.product .content-single-title-wrapper .product_meta{
    display: none;
    Support Expired

    Hi thanks a lot for your reply, it works!


    You are welcome!

    Let me know if you need to help.

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