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  • #30312
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    I have some changes I would like but can’t seem to make them work despite a lot of effort and time. I’m not a coder. Number 1 is really important.

    1 BLOG
    If I understood correctly, I can’t easily change the template of the blog.

    I’d like to have my blog page to have the normal width (it seems too narrow) and show a grid with only the summary of each post, 2 per line.

    And I’s also like the individual post pages to have the same featured image, categories, date and author on the top of the actual post.

    I have 3 boxes on top of the page, and I would like to:
    a – contain the image hover grow animations to avoid overflow. Just have the image zoom without using more space.
    b – have a link at the camera icon, so it will open the popup elementor-pop-veuve (saved at the popup templates), I tried with a[href=”#link-popup-veuve”] set at the advanced tab but couldn’t make it work.
    c – have the title of the box and More Details be black and semi-bold but change to the primary orange on hover.

    3 – POP UP
    The pop I mentioned looks small in the pop up elementor edit page and I can’t make the section wider.





    #1. Ok, I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    #2. What???/
    Did you turn off the BA Booking plugin and copy the html of this widget element to combine it into a box image?

    All the html displayed here when you copy it will not work like the All Items widget of the BA Booking plugin.
    If you don’t want to use the BA Booking plugin and just want to display the html markup of this widget with all the features the widget provides, either you will have to customize it yourself or you have to pay for us to customize it. help you.

    #3. I don’t see any popups on your website, please take a screenshot of this popup so I can review it

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    #1. I’ve checked your page, it’s still showing fine, please check and let me know if you need further assistance:

    #2. I fixed this issue, please recheck.

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