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HomePage Forums Themes Support Bookory – Book Store WooCommerce Theme Customize single product page?

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  • #29663
    Support Expired

    how can I customize the single poduct page?
    I don’t want this Zoom function.
    And I want the product image smaller, the column with the picture should be about 30%, and the text column 70%.
    Unfortunately I didn’t find out how to modify it with Elementor.
    Is that even possible in this theme?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by OVALmedia.


    Our theme does not support editing a single product page with Elementor, we customize it through the Woocommcer template and action hooks.

    Please send the admin web account for me, I will check and try to help you.

    Support Expired
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    I resolved all issues, please recheck your site.

    The 30% display part of the image is too small so I adjusted it to 40% and 60%, it seems to be more suitable for the ratio you give.

    Support Expired

    Wow, this looks great! Thank you so much!


    Happy to help you!

    Let me know if you need to help and I really wish you could take a moment to visit themeforest and leave us a 5 star review it would be great.

    Support Expired
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    I fixed this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired

    OK. Thank you!


    You are welcome!

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