HomePage Forums Themes Support Guides theme How to update plugin Elementor Pro the latest version


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  • #23667

    Elementor Pro plugin is a paid plugin, you will not be able to update directly without an account connected to the Elementor server.

    We provide users with a developer version of Elementor, with limited features.

    #1. To update the Elementor Pro plugin to the latest version, please follow these instructions:
    Case 1:
    – Deactivate the current Elementor Pro plugin (Deactivate -> Delete plugin): https://prnt.sc/sU8yDGKYsZKk
    – Click on install this plugin in the plugin installation notice: https://prnt.sc/6HHpE4we81-B

    Case 2:
    – Download the latest plugin here: http://source.wpopal.com/plugins/new/elementor-pro-3.x.zip
    – Install this plugin to replace the plugin in use

    #2. To activate this plugin, please add this code to the file functions.php:

    add_action('init', function(){
            $data = [
                'success'          => true,
                'license'          => 'valid',
                'item_id'          => false,
                'item_name'        => 'Elementor Pro',
                'is_local'         => false,
                'license_limit'    => '1000',
                'site_count'       => '1000',
                'activations_left' => 1,
                'expires'          => 'lifetime',
                'customer_email'   => '[email protected]',
                'features'         => array()
            update_option('elementor_pro_license_key', 'Licence Activated');
            ElementorPro\License\API::set_license_data($data, '+2 years');

    Save changes -> Reload your site and remove this code.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Billy Nguyen.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Billy Nguyen.
    Support Expired

    Thank you for the help



    You are welcome!

    Support Expired

    Hello, I think this is not working anymore, the elementor pro version I can download at that link is #### 3.20.2 – 2024-03-26. It breaks the site if activated. I have edited the function file as well. Any suggetsion? Thanks

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