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HomePage Forums Themes Support Technogy – Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme Remove “You’re viewing” and “Sort by – List grid” ?

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  • #17500
    Support Expired


    I’m working on localhost on customizing theme.

    There is no option for me to remove “You’re viewing” tab on bottom…


    There is no option to remove tab on shop page “Sort by…” Grid view, List view. I don’t need any of that and it will be great for me to remove it from design…


    Sorry for my bad English 🙂


    Hi you,

    #1. Remove “You’re viewing” tab on bottom:

    Please copy this php code and paste to file functions.php ( child-theme)

    function technocy_sticky_single_add_to_cart() {return;}

    #2. Remove Sorting tab:

    Please copy this css code and paste to file style.css ( child-theme)

    .technocy-sorting{display: none;}

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Billy Nguyen.
    Support Expired

    Dear Billy,

    Tnx for fast reply!

    It worked just great!

    Now I have new problem:

    When I hover on product image (product single page) image disappears, when i move mouse out of image box, picture comes back (only on hover it disappears)…

    Have a nice day!


    Please send Admin web account for me, I will check and try to help you.

    Support Expired
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi again,

    I have just fixed this issue, please recheck

    Support Expired

    Great, tnx!


    Ọk, let me know if you need to help.

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