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HomePage Forums Themes Support Triply – Tour Booking WordPress Theme Using Elementor HeaderBuilder to control header image

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  • #35001
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    Hi Codemaster,

    I have been wondering about this for some time.

    As the title says, I understand to control how I can control the header of the page using Elementor HeaderBuilder on this particular site I am making. However, the image I set in this header builder template will be used sitewide.


    This is good because I don’t have to set different header images for other pages if I am lazy but it’s bad when I do want to set different images for specific pages. For example, on the Service page, I may want to use “image A” for the header but About page I may want to use “image B” for the header…

    In my experience using other themes, there always tends to be an optional section in Edit a single page view to set a unique header image to override the default image. I remember it is usually outside of the Elementor screen where the custom fields etc are displayed.

    Could you please help me to do this? I hope the theme offers such functionalities…
    Thank you very much.

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    I can’t login to the admin dashboard, please recheck your account.

    Solution for you:
    – You need to create separate header builder for each page.
    Example About Us page:
    You will create a header called Header – About Us
    -> Then fix the breadcrumb and add your background image
    -> In the setting of display conditions, you will choose to display the About Us page

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    Thanks for providing me with the solution.
    I understood the concept of creating a different header (template?) for each page if I want to apply a different header background picture for them.

    However, I don’t know where to select different header templates applied to each page.
    In the About Us page wp backend page edit I couldn’t find and like-wise wp-elementor backend page edit I couldn’t find the section either…

    Your advice is appreciated….

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by palmtree.
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    Support Expired

    I did not pay attention to this post my apologies..
    I just noticed the header images of some pages have changed.

    I understood the method you applied.
    Thanks a lot for your support.
    I am closing the ticket.

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