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  • #7917
    Support Expired

    I’m writing to you because after searching on my side, I can’t find a solution to customize different things on my header:

    1) I would like to add an outline to the search bar and reduce the text “Search for products…” to simply put “Search”
    2) Change the color of “Search” and of the icon (or change the search icon)

    3) Change the color of the “My account”, “Wishlist” and “Cart” buttons
    4) If possible, customize the icons of the above mentioned buttons
    5) Change the links of the buttons (when I change the permalink of the checkout and my account pages, they don’t work because I can’t change the redirection of these buttons)
    6) Change the color of the menu

    Screenshot for more explanations :

    I thank you in advance for your time and your answer.



    Hi there,

    #1,2. I fixed this issue

    #3. I added css custom into file style.css ( child-theme), to custom color, you need to edit this color:

    	background: #your-color !important;
    	background: #your-color !important;
    .site-header-cart .cart-contents:before{
    	 background: #your-color !important;

    #4. Custom Icon: We just support icon from list:, you need to select icon then use css custom to edit this icon.

    #5. I checked and it’s still works normally.

    #6. I fixed this issue.

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