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  • #9909
    Support Expired


    The homepages are not loading. I would like HOME 05

    Thank you!


    Hi there,

    Please check your site, I have just resolved this issue.

    Support Expired

    Thank you so much for helping with that!

    May you also help me change the upper header announcement message bar background color from that green to pink: #E64EA6



    I have just fixed this issue for you, please recheckc

    Support Expired

    NO, I’m sorry. The top header is still in a dark green banner and I want the pink #E64EA6 (it’s the announcement message banner saying new menu on Wednesdays at the top)


    Yes, I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired

    You are so helpful! Two more things:

    1) the mobile menus background color is appearing the same as the font color. May we keep the pink background and do black font?

    2) How can I remove the wishlist from the footer on mobile / change the shop to say order on footer mobile

    Thank you!!



    I have resolved all issues for you, please recheck and let me know if you need to help

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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