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HomePage Forums Themes Support Triply – Tour Booking WordPress Theme Displaying excerpt for Booking Objects in the All items Elementor widget

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  • #36979
    Support Expired


    How can I add Excerpts of Booking Objects to the All items Elementor widget for styles 1, 3 and 6? So it would be displaying under the title and location of each item.

    Style 3 has it, but only for the first Object displaying, but I need it for each item.


    I can’t login to the admin dashboard.

    1. Copy all file from folder themes/triply/template-parts/booking/block to child-theme
    => themes/triply-child/template-parts/booking/block.

    2. Edit file and add this code to file item-block-x.php:

     <div class="item_description">
    				<?php echo BABE_Post_types::get_post_excerpt( $post, $excerpt_length ); ?>
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