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  • #23194
    Support Expired

    je souhaiterai changer la couleur au survol de l’icône panier qui se trouve dans le header mais je n’arrive pas a trouver sa class.
    j ai trouvé pour changer la couleur du logo en utilisant la class “cart-contents:before” mais je ne trouve pas pour l’icône complet pourtant en utilisant la class “.site-header-cart .cart-contents:before” je change bien le background color mais impossible d’ y mettre un hover dessus.

    Support Expired

    I would like to change the color when hovering over the cart icon in the header but I can’t find its class.
    I found to change the color of the logo using the class “cart-contents:before” but I can’t find for the complete icon yet using the class “.site-header-cart .cart-contents:before” I changes the background color well but impossible to put a hover on it.



    You can use this custom CSS:

    color: #your-color;
    Support Expired

    I used this class but it changed the cart icon and not a background color


    Oh, please add this custom CSS:

    .site-header-cart .cart-contents:hover:before {
        background-color: #your-color !important;
    Support Expired

    Thanks you very much


    Ok, let me know if you need to help and hope you will vote 5 stars for our theme.


    Support Expired


    How then reverse the € logo on the price .
    currently it is written € 7.95 , I would like 7.95 € ?

    Support Expired

    I solved my problem


    Good job!

    Keep contact with us when you need to help.

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