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  • #17074
    Support Expired

    Hi Billy,

    I’m having issues with the search function on mobile, firstly the search function is centered, I would like it to be on top. Secondly the search function I would like to change to my own as the theme search function is not advanced.

    Can you guide me in this regard, please?

    Kind regards,

    Support Expired



    Hi you,

    #1. Search form:

    Please add this CSS code to file style.css ( child-theme)

    @media (max-width: 767px){
     .site-search-popup .site-search-popup-wrap .site-search {
        top: 50px !important;
        position: absolute;

    #2. You need to override this search form and add some customizations in the code, it’s hard for me to guide you in detail.
    If you are someone who knows the code, you can handle it yourself, or we will custom charge you.

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