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HomePage Forums Themes Support Triply – Tour Booking WordPress Theme Related items carousel not visible anymore

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  • #27854
    Support Expired

    after last update the Related Item carousel inside the single booking object is not visible anymore please check here ->

    Can you please check and eventually correct?

    Many thanks, best regards.


    Hi you,

    I fixed this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired

    in reality I don’t see your fix, I see mine…

    To make the carousel appear again I have put the css rule “.triply-carousel-items .babe_shortcode_block_inner {display: flex;}” inside the custom css…

    My correction overrides the “display: none” rule applied on the same element that has appeared after the update: this last rule, the bug which I cited above, has remained the same.



    I fixed this before for you, but you fixed the customizations in the single tour template which resulted in js slick error ???/

    You are only allowed to use 1 Item Slideshow widget on the single tour page, what do you need to drag in 3 sliders???/

    Regarding the CSS error as you say:
    We are programmers and we know what we do.
    Here we use js slick to display related booking objects.
    CSS: `.triply-carousel-items .babe_shortcode_block_inner.slick-initialized {
    display: block;
    pre-written in the theme, no need for your debugging code, ok?
    However editing your template throws a js slick error that makes this js not work and loses the css we added earlier causing it to be hidden, not an error from our theme,.

    Support Expired

    1) It’s impossible you fixed any error before me because I applied the css customization – which I cited above – before opening the ticket.
    2) I don’t really understand what do you mean when you say that I edited the template, but I didn’t modify ANY HTML file and less than ever any js file, including js slick.
    3) Now I have TOTALLY removed the simple little rule I put on custom css, and the “Related Item” carousel inside the “Tour Detail” Elementor template still doesn’t shows up.
    4) We use 3 Slideshow widgets inside the single tour page because there is a problem in the responsive settings of the widget: it applies the same margins of the desktop to all the devices, regardless the fact that I put different margins for different devices.



    The error caused by you using 3 slider widgets on the single tour page resulted in the js slick error and the custom css written in the theme not working.
    Regarding the responsive slider issue:
    You should use css to customize the display on responsive devices, not 3 widgets to display for 3 different screens, this is too stupid

    Support Expired

    1) Duplicating elements and giving them different settings per device is perfectly normal while using page builders, expecially while building responsive contents. The button “duplicate”, present on every widget demonstrates this fact.
    2) Also hiding some content for one device and showing it on some other device is perfectly normal while using page builders, expecially while building responsive contents. The option hide on Desktop, Tablet or Phone, present on every widget demonstrates this fact.
    3) If duplicating some element, that is perfectly normal in elementor, causes javascript errors this is a bug of your widget/theme.

    Inside “Vacanze in Umbria – Tour Detail” elementor template, we have a single slider. Look at this image, as you can see there are no margins for mobile device. Now look at on the front-end we have a -85px margin on the top of the element. There is no way to change that margin.
    Can you please fix this bug?
    Many thanks.
    Best regards.



    #1. The abuse of elements to create a separate display on responsive devices creates too many doms, which is not good for website loading, website download speed will be affected.
    With each Elementor element having support on responsive screens, we can rely on these customizations to make it look good across devices.
    If you followed your instructions, every Elementor widget had to be replicated on mobile devices we would have a lot of words for one website page, which is stupid, lol.

    I don’t want to argue with you further on this matter, we are theme developers with Elementor and we have more experience than you in this regard.

    #2. Slider on mobile: I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    Support Expired


    1) I’m really sorry to inform you that the bug of the Slider Widget is still there. It is still impossible to set the margins of the mobile version of the slider, as you can see from the following images:
    – backend ->– tour detail-backend-2.png
    – frontend ->

    2) Also the js bug generated by the duplication of the slider, which causes the Related Items Carousel at the bottom of the Single Tour pages not to appear, is still there.

    Can you please finally eliminate this bugs?

    Many thanks, best regards.



    #1. Please delete all caches and recheck:

    #2. Slick js still working normally:

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