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HomePage Forums Themes Support Triply – Tour Booking WordPress Theme Remove the Valdation between new email and confirm email

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  • #30669
    Support Expired


    How to remove the validation between new email and confirm email ,
    I need the user only to add new email no need to confirm it?



    Currently the plugin is forcing users to enter a confirmation email. If you want to remove this confirmation email field, you must interfere with the code in the plugin to remove the email confirmation code.

    Support Expired

    I have try to add the code and remove the field confirm mail from Theme file editor – template function. Php but didnt sucess.

    Can you please guide me how to remove the valdation from the plugin file editor?
    Share the code please.

    So I need the user to enter email but no need to confirm his email.



    Yes, I also tried removing this confirmation email field for you via template.
    But the problem is that this confirmation email check is in the plugin and it is very difficult to interfere. There will have to be another way is to make a confirmation email field hidden from the customer, it is cloned from the email field that the customer enters to ensure that this confirmation email field still has data. 😀
    I have thought of this option to handle it for you, but it is also quite complicated and time consuming. This request will also incur an additional custom fee.

    Support Expired

    Hi Billy, what will be the cost of this solution?

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