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  • #27286


    #1. I fixed this booking code, please recheck:

    #2. Sorry, I don’t understand this issue, please take a photo screenshot about this issue, I will check again.

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    #1. I have overwritten the tour template files into the child-theme for you, please go to the file:

    find code:

    if ( $feature ) {
    					echo '<span class="item-label">' . esc_html__( 'Featured', 'triply' ) . '</span>';

    and edit this text.

    Change color background: please copy this CSS code to file style.css( child-theme)

    .babe_items .item-label{
    background-color: #your-color !important;

    #2. Changing the background color of the botton here is related to the Iframe you embed, please contact the support of the website API you are using for assistance with this issue

    Support Expired

    Thank you Billy, unable to change the text I have tried multiple times. Will the same text apply to all the photo. As I want to define the tours feature text for example to be Luxury, adventure, on sale, family and so on.

    I have to managed to change the background colour, thank you

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    Support Expired

    Thank you Billy, I couldn’t figured it out would you be able to do an example with text(test). And back ground has changed back to default even though I have applied a different color.



    #1. I can only give you a solution so you can customize and code it yourself. Since this customization is not available in the theme, I will have to code additionally the child-theme for you if you want to make this customization and there will be an additional fee for this customization request.

    #2. Please take a screenshot of the problem you are talking about, I can’t find it in your website.

    Support Expired

    Hi Billy,

    here is the screenshot:
    the tours are on the homepage, as you can see in the screenshot an arrow pointing at the feature, which is the text I want to be able to change individually.

    Thank you



    I understand the problem you are trying to customize and have also come up with a solution for you.
    That is to create a custom field select text label, then write a function that checks this text for each booking object and displays it.

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